Gokshura | Gokhru Powder | Nerunjil | Tribulus terrestris Uses and Side Effects

Gokshura | Gokhru Powder | Nerunjil | Tribulus terrestris Uses and Side Effects:

Gokshura or Gokhru is also called as Puncture Vine as Gokshura plant is covered with spines. Fruits, leaves and root of the Gokshura plant (Gokhru Plant) are being used in medicines. Gokshura is very popular in improving the athletic performance. There are limited studies available to prove it.

Gokshura or Gohkru is helpful in balancing all doshas. It calms the nerves and it helps to maintain a healthy nervous system. It is used in ayurveda widely. It has been used as one of the ingredients in ayurvedic medicines. It is combined with different herbs to protect the health from different diseases.

Gokshura plant(Gokhru plant) is popularly used in Ayurveda and Chinese medicines. It has been used for centuries by ancient Greeks.

Gokshura | Gokhru for Men's health, Body Building and Athletic Uses:

Gokshura is used as a natural herbal supplement. It is used to gain strength and lean muscle mass. It is used as a short term course like 5 days - 28 days. It is believed to help in enormous muscle building. It is also helpful in increasing endurance. It is considered as a natural anabolic. It is used as a supplement supporting normal levels of testosterone production. It is also used in case of erectile dysfunction and as libido enhancer. It helps to maintain a healthy male reproductive system.

Gokshura | Gokhru for females:

Gokshura is used to rejuvenate uterus and it helps to promote fertility.

Gokshura | Gokhru for Kidney:

Gokshura is maintain the health of kidney and efficiency of urinary function. It is helpful in reducing renal discomfort. Gokshura promotes the healthy urine flow. It cools and soothes the membranes of Urinary tract. It is also used for problems like kidney stones, bladder and many other urinary tract infections. It helps to get rid of painful and bleeding urination and reduces the presence of crystals in urine. It is considered as a rejuvenating tonic for genitourinary system. It has diuretic propertoes as per wiki.

Tribulus terrestris in different languages like Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada:

Family Name: Zygophyllaceae
Common Name in English - goathead, bindii, bullhead, burra gokharu, caltrop, cat's head,devil's eyelashes, devil's thorn, devil's weed, Puncture Vine, Puncturevine, and tackweed (Reference - Wiki)

Gokshura | Gokhru - Hindi
Gokhru - Hindi
Nerunji Mull | Nerunjil | Palleru Mullu - Tamil
Nerinji - Malayalam
Cinnpalleru - Telugu 
Gokhru Kanta - Bengali
Sannanaggilu | Neggilamullu | Neggilu - Kannada
Sarate | Gokharu  - Marati
Gokharu - Gujarathi

How to eat Gokshura | Gokhru?

Gokshura is available in powder form and capsule form. Consult a doctor and buy according to your needs. Check the doctor about Gokshura | Gokhru dosage too. Gokshura powder can be boiled and consumed with water or milk in common. Mostly Gokshura is taken with other herbs for treating various problems like urinary, kidney, gynaecological, skin, nervous problems.

Himalayas Gokshura is available in capsule form.

Patanjali has Gokshura fruit powder. Gokhru Churna from different brands is also available in the market.

Gokshuradi Guggulu is one of the products available with Gokshura root as one of the main ingredients. Gokshuradi Guggulu is one of the ayurvedic products which is used to manage the proper function of genitourinary tract. Gokshur rejuvenates kidneys and prostate. Guggulu family of herbs detoxifies the deep tissues of the body. Gokshuradi Guggulu is a combination of many ayurvedic herbs like Gokshura root, Guggulu resin, amalaki fruit, haritaki fruit, pippali fruit, ginger root, black pepper fruit and few other herbs. These are traditionally used in Ayurveda for Pitta and Vata related problems of genital and urinary tract. Hence Gokshuradi Guggulu might be helpful to revitalize the kidneys affected by Vata and Pita.

Gokshuradi Guggulu is mostly available in capsule or powder form/churna. When you choose Gokshuradi Guggulu from any brand, try to choose the one which does not have any chemical preservatives, artificial colors etc. Before taking Gokshuradi Guggulu, consult a doctor whether you can take it. Also check about dosage too.

Gokshura | Gokhru Powder | Nerunjil | Tribulus terrestris Side effects:

Please consult a doctor before taking any new medicines/herbs in your diet. Not all herbs are good for every one even though it is natural. Gokshura is something which should has many side effects like stomach upset. So, it is not good to take it without medical consultation. 

Gokshura is something which should not be taken unnecessarily. It should not be taken without getting medical advice. It is not good to eat Gokshura daily without taking medical advice. Mostly Gokhru is used only in short term for specific problems. 

Eating the spine-covered Gokshura | Gokhru fruits are considered as unsafe as it might affect the lungs. There are lot of side effects also. It might affect your sleeping, prostrate issues and menstruation. 

People who are suffering from health issues like weight loss, diabetic people, pregnant ladies, lactating mothers should not use it. If you are not healthy and suffering from some kind of health problems, you should not consume it without consulting a doctor.

Gokshura | Gokhru reduces the blood sugar levels. So, people who take medicines for diabetes should not take Gokshura as both make the blood sugar levels come down terribly.

Make sure that you are taking Gokshura | Gokhru powder only under medical supervision. Doctors can help you on dosage after understanding your overall health. 

Do not use this article as a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult your doctor for your health problems and treatment.

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  1. So simple and informative ! Good effort ! Congrats !!!

  2. So simple and informative ! Good effort ! Congrats !!!
