Home Remedies For Chapped Lips - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Home Remedies For Chapped Lips - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment:

It does not really matter whether it is summer or winter, chapped lips might irritate you anytime. There are lot of good lip balms available in the market. But home remedies are quite effective and sufficient to cure chapped lips effectively.  When you buy lip balms from outside, you should be extra careful in checking the ingredients since you cannot stop chemicals from going inside your mouth when you apply them. So, I always prefer and suggest home remedies to heal chapped lips.

Chapped lips symptoms:

Lips become rough, red, cracked, dry or sore. In rare cases, the lips might have bleeding. Based on the severity, you might need to consult a doctor.

Let us see how to fix chapped lips by simple and easy home remedies quickly.

Top 7 Chapped Lips Causes:

1. Sun exposure or cold

2. Dehydration

3. Smoking

4. Exposure to harsh chemicals or allergens

5. Frequent licking of lips

6. Breathing through mouth

7. Intake of some strong medications

How to heal chapped lips easily?

Healing chapped lips is more easy if we know the right cause. Find out the most probable cause of chapped lips and take appropriate actions.Here are some home remedies which might help you to treat chapped lips quite easily.

Home Remedies For Chapped Lips  Treatment:

1. Drink plenty of water whatever the reason is especially when it is caused by dry weather or dehydration.

2. Apply little coconut oil frequently on the lips. This is the simple and most effective home remedy.

3. Applying clarified butter will be very helpful.

4. Apply fresh milk cream on the lips.

5. Apply honey on the lips and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Remove it with cotton ball dipped in warm water.

You can follow these home remedies and treat chapped lips easily. If you do not take any action for the chapped and cracked lips, it will become more painful and hard to treat. Hope your lips will be healed very quickly.
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