Time to Get.Set.Bolt - Amazing features of Tata Bolt and Review

Its time to Get. Set. Bolt. Yes, I am going to review the all new Tata Bolt today which has lot of interesting features.

Tata Motors' newest offering, the all new Bolt helped me to give a relishing moment to my hubby and kid. I was truly excited when I was invited to check out the new Bolt. Due to several personal appointments, my hubby promised to take me to Chennai Trade Center last Sunday. The day was too hectic with lot of shopping and traveling. We had planned to visit post lunch. But it became too late to reach the place. There were lot of traffic and few traffic diversions as well due to political events. It was actually last hour of 3 day event. Every other stall people started closing the stalls and packed their items to leave the place. We were rushing directly to the place where Tata Bolt was available. To our surprise, Tata Bolt was standing bold with too many people hanging around. More people were standing in queue to get inside the car. The people in the help desk were too busy in answering lot of enquiries. It was the only stall which was active even in the closing time. Thank God! It was not a hasty visit as the place was overcrowded:)

I do not know whether you will believe me. It was difficult for me to take even a single photo with the BOLT as too many people were trying to take photos with it. I did not have even a slight feeling of embarrassment to pose for the photo. Although I was completely tired, I felt fun to take a snap. Even the old people looked like children when they were trying to take a photo.

It is difficult for me to say who enjoyed the visit most in my family. My kid who is just 3 years old was running here and there around the car. He was posing for so many photos with pride. After taking a good number of photos of the car, we had decided to check the features of the car. Read more to check out the most interesting features of the all new Tata Bolt.

Do you think it is actually closing time? It was for the other stalls in the CTC but not for BOLT - that's for certain.

Interesting features of Tata Bolt:

Generation Next Safety:

Safety comes first. Isn't it? Although the new TATA BOLT has several mind blowing new features, I write about its safety first. If we need to enjoy our drive, we should feel safe. Well, Tata has kept our safety in their mind while designing this new car. Hence they have loaded this car with an array of advanced safety features.

When we were thinking about buying our first car, I was insisting my hubby to buy a car with advanced safety features. Every woman expects safety in everything. Except dual air bags, I hardly knew what other features could make a car more safe to drive. So, I was telling my hubby to choose a car with dual air bags. He told me that cars with dual air bags were not affordable for us. Very few cars had the dual air bag feature but most of them were too expensive. Few of them lack other critical features.

Now, Tata Bolt not only had dual airbags, but also has 9th Gen ABS by BOSCH for improved braking efficiency and Corner stability control(CSC).

What is 9th Gen ABS by BOSCH?

9th Gen ABS(Anti-lock Brake System) allows the driver to steer around an obstacle while emergency braking. Uncontrolled skidding is one of the main reasons for road accidents. Tata Bolt allows the wheels to maintain tractive contract with the road surface according to driver inputs while braking. It prevents the wheels from locking up and it helps to keep the car in directional control.

What is Corner Stability Control?

Corner Stability Control(CSC) is another advanced feature to enhance the safety while negotiating tight corners. It helps us to avoid single-vehicle crashes, skidding in corners and prevent roll-overs. Skidding in a bend is never our intention. CSC prevents the car from such unintended skids in bends.

So, you can drive safe and stay in control all the times with these advanced features of Tata Bolt.

Multi-Drive: Sport | Eco | City:

Are you bored of Eco car? Do you want to have some fun with sports car? Well, you do not need to spend some lakhs to buy a sports car. With the new Tata Bolt, it is just a matter of a press of switch.

Do you have burst of power inside you and expect the same from you car? Choose 'Sports' mode. You are all set.

Choose 'Eco' mode when you want to make your father and wife happy with less fuel cost. Of course, your car will use the fuel efficiently.

Do you need a perfect balance between the two when you ride in the city? Choose 'City' mode when you need a perfect balance between these two.


Tata Bolt is powered with 1.2 Turbocharged Multi-Point Fuel Injection engine. It is no wonder that you will get an exceptionally powerful driving experience.

Excellent space and Superior Comfort:

Whether we travel alone or with our family, we need comfort. I avoid traveling in cars with less space. It makes me to hate traveling when the car is not quite comfort and spacious. Tata Bolt has spacious interiors and it has comfortable rugby shoulder seats.


Tata Bolt has touchscreen infotainment system. It provides you an array of entertainment and connectivity features like smartphone enabled navigation from MapMyIndia and advanced voice command recognition.

“This post is a part of the Get. Set. Bolt. activity at BlogAdda.”.

Note: This is a sponsored post. All the thoughts and opinions are always own.
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1 comment:

  1. Fabulous car. Too good texture and facilities. Wonderful share.Keep posting.
