Benefits of Lemon Juice for Face, Hair, Skin and Health

Lemon juice on Face, Skin, Hair and Health Benefits:

Mix lemon juice with water and drink it daily or apply it on your face, skin or hair externally. Lemon juice is beneficial in all ways for your face, skin, hair and health. If there is one natural thing which is cheaper and widely used in skin care, it is nothing but the lemon. Lemon is really good for skin, hair, face and health.

Whenever you make lemon juice for you and your family, make sure to reserve some lemon juice for your skin care to get the benefits of lemon on your face.

Taking Lemon juice both internally and externally has a lot of health benefits and uses for face, skin and hair.

One important thing to consider while using lemon juice for external application is you should not go out with lemon juice applied. When you go out with lemon juice and get exposed to sun light, a chemical reaction called phytophotodermatitis occurs, which creates negative side effects.

How to use Lemon Juice on Face and Skin?

1) Lemon juice to make clarifying moisturizer lotion for face:

You can make your own homemade clarifying moisturizer with lemon at your home without spending too much on the expensive clarifying moisturizers available in the market.

Lemon is good in clarifying skin. Coconut is a very good natural moisturizer. Homemade natural moisturizer made with lemon juice and coconut oil can help you to tone your skin, illuminate the skin and improve the overall texture.

How to make your own homemade natural clarifying moisture lotion with lemon juice and coconut oil?

Mix coconut oil and few drops of lemon juice. Apply it on your face and skin. Leave it for at least 20 minutes and wash it off. Pat the face and skin dry. Your skin will get toned and lightened on regular usage. You can use this homemade clarifying moisturizer once or twice a week.

2) Lemon juice for dark elbows and knees:

Dark elbows and knees are common problems which are faced by almost everyone. Neither you do not need to go extra miles to get rid of dark elbows and knees nor you do not need to buy expensive creams for treating them. Lemon is very useful to treat them.

How to get rid of dark elbows and knees with lemon juice?

Cut the lemon into half and rub it on your elbows and knees. Or simply take lemon juice and rub it on your elbows and knees. If your skin is sensitive, do not apply lemon juice on skin and add it with 1 part of water. Follow it at least twice a week continuously to see visible results.

3) Lemon juice for skin lightening, fair & glowing skin:

Lemon and orange are rich in citric acid and Vitamin C. So, they are widely used in skin lightening and to get fair & glowing skin. Lemon juice lightens the dark spots. Hence it is easy to look fairer by using lemon juice on your face. It cannot completely lighten dark skin but it can help you to keep it glowing and lightened to a good extent.

How to use lemon juice for face and skin lightening?

Mix lemon juice with besan flour(kadalai maavu). Add little water, rose water or milk and make a thick paste. Apply it on the face and skin. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with clean water. Moisturize the skin with coconut oil.

You can see your skin gets lightened and fairer in few days. Get your skin glowing with lemon juice.

4) Lemon juice for acne scars | pimples:

Lemon juice has very good antibacterial properties and hence it heals face acne and acne scars. It can lighten the acne scars and you can get rid of acne scars in few days.

How to use lemon juice for acne scars?

Just apply the lemon juice on the acne scars/pimples and leave it for 10 minutes. If your skin is sensitive, do not apply lemon juice on skin and add it with 1 part of water. Rinse with clean water. Pat the face dry. That's it. You can see good results in few weeks on regular usage.

Drinking lemon juice is also recommended for acne treatment. When you body gets lemon juice both internally and externally, it is easier to treat acne.

5) Lemon juice for bleaching hair:

Lemon juice lightens hair. The facial hair gets lightened by using lemon juice and is not visible easily. Hence lemon juice helps you to bleach your hair naturally.

How to use lemon juice for bleaching hair?

Mix lemon juice and honey and use it as a natural bleaching method for facial hair.

 6) Lemon juice for exfoliating:

Lemon juice is widely used as a natural exfoliator. Use lemon juice exfoliator to remove the oldest dead skin cells on the outermost surface of your skin.

How to use lemon juice to exfoliate your face?

You can make your own homemade natural exfoliating scrub by mixing sugar and few drops of lemon juice. Clean your face and gently rub this lemon juice exfoliator on your face in circular motion. Rinse well with clean water. Moisturize with coconut oil or any other suitable oil if you desire.

7) Lemon juice for freckles:

Lemon juice helps to fade the freckles as it can lighten the skin. Use lemon juice for freckles continuously till you see significant improvement. It might take even few months.

How to fade freckles with lemon juice?

Apply lemon juice on freckles using cotton balls and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with clean water and pat dry. If your skin is sensitive, do not apply lemon juice on skin and add it with 1 part of water.

8) Lemon juice for eczema scars:

If you are the one who is suffering from eczema scars, simple lemon juice can help you to find a good relief. Try applying lemon juice daily till you get out of the problem of eczema quickly. You can use lemon essential oil too for eczema scars.

How to use lemon juice for eczema scars?

Apply the lemon juice on the affected area with cotton bud or cotton ball and leave it for 15 minutes. Rinse with clean water and pat dry. If your skin is sensitive, do not apply lemon juice on skin and add it with 1 part of water.

9) Lemon juice for tan removal:

Skin care is not complete without tan removal. In the buys schedule, it is not easy to avoid tanning. Regular usage of lemon juice helps you to remove the skin tan quite easily.

How to use lemon juice for skin tan removal?

Combine it with honey or yogurt and apply it on the skin. Leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off and apply a moisturizer.

10) Lemon juice for dark underarms:

Mix few drops of lemon juice, yogurt and turmeric powder. Apply it underarms. Leave it for 20 minutes and take bath. Use it regularly to see visible results.

11) Lemon juice for Hair:

Lemon juice is very good for lightening hair color naturally because of its natural bleaching properties. People in foreign countries leave lemon juice on the hair and go out in sun to lighten the hair. It takes sometime but it works. Some use it for toddlers too.

Lemon juice is very good for treating dandruff problems. That is the reason why many branded dandruff shampoos use lemon as the main ingredient.

How to use lemon juice on hair?

Avoid applying lemon juice directly on your hair. Mix 1 tbsp of lemon juice in a cup of water for application on hair. Apply the lemon water on hair after applying shampoo. Massage the lemon juice gently on the scalp. Leave it for 3 minutes and rinse your hair again.

12) Lemon juice for gas and bloating:

Lemon juice is a low FODMAP(Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols) natural ingredient and helps to decrease the bloating. When you eat high-FODMAP foods more, it can increase your bloating and worsen the situation. But eating low FODMAP food can help you to get relief from gas and bloating earlier. So, lemon juice is good indirectly when you are suffering from gas and bloating although it cannot directly provide relief from gas and bloating.

13) Lemon juice for energy:

Add lemon juice to clean water and have it in the morning to have an energetic day. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. It acts an energy booster. Instead of having a cup of coffee or tea for energy, try to have lemon juice as the first thing in the morning. You will find your energy level improved very soon. In addition to that, it helps for weight loss too as everyone knows.

14) Lemon juice for Weight Loss and fat burning:

There are several controversies around the world about the effectiveness of lemon juice for weight loss and fat burning. Still you can lose weight and burn fat if you can replace your coffee or tea with lemon juice mixed with hot water as the first thing in the morning.

15) Lemon juice for soar throat:

Mix Lemon juice and honey in ginger tea. It helps you to get relief from soar throat earlier. You can have this tea twice daily.


1. As mentioned initially, do not go out under sun with lemon juice applied externally as it will harm your skin by chemical reaction called phytophotodermatitis.

2. Negative side effects by using lemon is not common. However stop using lemon if you feel that you are allergic to it. It is recommended to avoid lemon juice when you have heartburn. Some people's skin might be sensitive to lemon juice as it is acidic in nature. Stop using if you see negative reactions.

3. When you take lemon juice treatment for skin and face, make sure that you apply Sunscreen lotion with good SPF to protect your skin from unwanted chemical reaction.

4. Some people leave the lemon juice on skin and face overnight. If it is few drops and there is no allergic reaction, you can leave it. Otherwise it is better to wash it off.

Use the natural ingredient lemon for your skin and face. Enjoy the uses of lemon for your face and keep it glowing.

Honey and Lemon juice for skin
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