Bhringraj Oil For Hair | Karisalankkani Hair Oil | Benefits of Bhringraj Hair Oil

Bhringraj Hair Oil For Hair Growth | Karisalankanni hair oil – An Effective Remedy to Treat Hair Loss and Greying of Hair:

Have you been noticing that you are losing 100s of hair strands on a daily basis? Well, relax as you are not the only one. You have a whole extended family that face the same problem with no discrimination on age. According to dermatologists, it is perfectly normal to lose around 50 to 100 hair strands a day. However, if you lose more that this, then it definitely requires immediate attention. It does not mean that you need to run for a medical advice at once.

As it is your hair, you can always try natural remedies before letting your hair and body going through tons of medicines to control hair fall. So in these circumstances, what is the best possible natural ayurvedic home remedy that is easily available? Bhringraj oil for hair | Karisalankanni hair oil - Bhringraj extracts in the form of hair oil is a one stop solution to treat hair loss as it promotes hair growth and also it reduces greying of hair. Bhringraj is called as Karisalankanni in Tamil Nadu. Karisalankanni hair oil has been used since ancient time to promote hair growth.

Bhringraj Hair Oil | Karisalankanni Hair Oil – What Is It? 

I am sure that you must have heard it at least once in your lifetime as term 'Bhringa oil' is now reaching every household It is basically a herb (Eclipta Alba) and according to Ayurveda it is a ‘rasayana’ which basically refers to a substance that controls and slows down the rate at which aging happens. Bhringraj oil is prepared with many ingredients like hibiscus extracts, shikakai etc. but the basic principle is to use bhringraj extracts in combination with coconut or sesame oil.

Karisalankanni Hair Oil Preparation - How to make Bhringraj Oil at home?


1. Collect a handful of bhringraj leaves(karisalankanni leaves).
2. Clean the leaves with water till all the dust goes away.
3. Allow it to dry till the moisture goes off completely. You can either dry under sun or keep it under fan to get the karisalankanni leaves/bhringaraj leaves dry.
4. Grind the karisalankanni leaves in a mixer to a coarse powder.
5. Take 200 ml coconut oil. Use pure coconut oil.
6. Heat the coconut oil in a pan. Once the oil becomes warm, add the coarsely ground karisalankanni leaves in the oil.
7. Stir the oil occasionally till the oil changes to light brown color. 
8. Switch it off. Our homemade bhringraj oil is ready.
9. Allow the bhringraj oil to cool down completely.
10. Store it in a glass bottle for longer shelf life. You can use stainless steel container also. 

Benefits of Bhringraj Oil For Hair Growth, Dandruff and Premature graying: 


Bhringraj hair oil(Karisalankanni hair oil) is very good for treating hair loss, promoting hair growth, helping for hair regrowth, preventing premature greying of hair.

Promotes Hair Growth: The science of Ayurveda tells us that the basic reason for hair loss is due to an increase in the level of the ‘pitta’ component. Bhringraj oil acts on this component and brings about a balance, which in turn results in hair growth. This oil when applied increases the blood circulation in the scalp which activates the hair follicles. With regular use of karisalankanni hair oil, you can be assured of healthy and lustrous hair.

Bhringaraj Hair Oil | Karisalankanni hair oil for Dandruff:

Bhringaraj hair oil is having anti septic and medicinal properties which assures to keep different kind of scalp infections at bay. It is an excellent solution to reduce dandruff.

Bhringaraj hair oil | Karisalankanni hair oil for Premature greying of hair:

Regular application and massaging is sure to retain the natural color of the hair thereby, delaying the greying of hair strands.

Bhringaraj hair oil | Karisalankkani hair oil to reduce stress and improve sleep:

Using bhringaraj hair oil on a day to day basis is known to improve one’s sleeping pattern thereby, resulting in a calm and peaceful state of mind. It is the perfect natural remedy to reduce the stress that is caused due to excessive hair loss.

Few Health Benefits of Bhringraj | Karisalankanni: 

In Tamil Nadu, Karisalankanni keerai is widely prepared for reaping the various health benefits of bhringraj. 
  • Karisalankanni leaves is effectively used for treating liver disorders. 
  • Karisalankanni cures many skin related infections like cracked heels and heal wounds. 
  • Bhringraj | Karisalankanni extracts can be used to treat ailments such as cold and cough. 
  • People suffering from anemia can take bhringraj leaves(Karisalankanni keerai) in the form of soups. 
  • Karisalankanni is a good remedy to cure sinus infections. 
 Prepare karisalankanni keerai using karisalankanni leaves to take it internally.

Bhringraj Oil | Karisalankanni hair oil – Where to buy Bhringaraj Hair Oil? 

Bhringraj oil | Karisalankanni hair oil is gaining popularity among the crowd and due to this reason it is easily available in the Indian markets. A few of the branded ones that are fast moving are listed below for your reference.

  • Biotique Bio Bhringraj Fresh Growth Therapeutic Oil for Falling Hair 
  • Khadi Bhringraj Hair Oil 
  • Soulflower Pure Natural Bhringraj With Coconut and Sesame Oil 
  • Indulekha Bhringa Hair Oil Selfie Bottle 
All the above bhringa hair oils uses karisalankani as main ingredient. Karisalankanni powder is also available in siddha stores which you can use make hair pack.

How to Use Bhringraj Oil | Karisalankanni hair oil for hair? 


 According to the length of your hair, take the required quantity of bhringraj oil say approximately around 1-2 tbsp for promoting hair growth.
  • Gently warm the bhringraj oil say for half a minute or so over the flame. This can be skipped. It is just an optional step.
  • Take sections of your hair and apply the lukewarm oil onto your scalp throroughly.
  • Apply along the length of your hair.  Make sure that you have applied the bhringraj oil from root to tip of the hair.
  • Massage the scalp gently for 5 minutes in circular motion. Cover the entire scalp area. This will increase the blood circulation which will promote the hair growth.
  • Let the oil soak completely into your hair. Let it be on your hair overnight for best results. Allow it to stay at least for 2 hours for the hair to reap the benefits of bhringraj hair oil.
  • Finally, wash with a mild shampoo or shikakai and you will observe results in no time if you use it regularly. Check how to make shikakai at home.

Important Notes:

1. Bhringaraj hair oil has to be used regularly to see visible results. You have to use at least 2 months to start seeing the results. Whatever oil you use, try to use it for 6 months to reap the full benefits of the particular hair oil(Bhringraj hair oil here).

2. Try to make bhringraj oil at home.

3. If you cannot make bhringaraj hair oil at home, try to buy from prominent brands. Check the ingredients list before buying whether it contains any chemical ingredients.  

Bhringraj in different languages:

Scientific Name - Eclipta Alba | Eclipta Prostrata
Tamil - Karisalankanni
Hindi - Bhungra | Mochkand | Bhringraj
Sanskrit - Bhringraj

Pure homemade Bhringraj oil | Homemade karisalankanni hair oil is a completely harmless oil that does not have any side effects on the skin or scalp. So hurry up and make your own bhringraj hair oil or get yourself a bottle of pure Bhringraj oil and you would realize in a few days that it was worth spending every penny on it!

Authors - Nandhini and Sundari If you like this blog, subscribe with your email address and like us on facebook in the side bar to get instant updates on the posts.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard great reviews on Bhringraj oil and the effects it has on hair growth. I'll surely try it soon


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