Drumstick Leaves | Murungai Keerai | Moringa Leaf Uses and Health Benefits

Drumstick Leaves | Murungai Keerai | Moringa Leaf Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits:

Drumstick leaves, also called as Moringa leaf is the leaves of Drumstick tree which is native to India. We call the drumstick leaves as Murungai Keerai in Tamil Nadu and the drumstick tree as Murungai maram in Tamil. Drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf is a regular cooking ingredient, widely used in South India.

National Institutes of Health recognized Drumstick tree as the Botanical of the Year in the year of 2007, 2011 and 2012. Africans have also honoured it as as a tree to "Never Die" and "Mother's Milk".

Drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf or Murungai Keerai is considered to be highly medicinal in nature.
Moringa leaf contains all the essential amino acids for the healthy functioning of our body. Regular consumption of drumstick leaves is recommended for the anemic people.

Drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf is rich in non-allergic protein. Proteins disintegrate into amino acids and are absorbed in our body. Our body requires about 20 amino acids for its good functioning. Drumsticks and murungai keerai leaves are considered to have all the amino acids required for our body. It is also easily digested, making it non-allergic.

Drumstick leaves or Murungai Keerai or Moringa leaf are rich sources of antioxidants, proteins, potassium, vitamin A, C, B3, B2, iron, and magnesium. This rich mineral and vitamin content give drumstick leaves its medicinal value.

Interstingly, drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf or Murungai Keerai has 90 nutrients and 46 antioxidants and is able to cure almost 300 types of diseases, according to ancient Ayurveda.

Medicinal Uses and Health Benefits of rumstick Leaves | Murungai Keerai | Moringa Leaf:

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Anemia:

Drumstick leaves are rich in iron and is very effective in treating anemia. Iron content is thrice as compared to spinach. Regular consumption of drumstick leaves helps relieve anemia.

Drumstick leaves or Murungai Keerai has high beta Carotene content. When it is consumed with lemon juice which has Vitamin C, it has a positive impact in the mobilization of stored iron and increases hemoglobin levels of people with anemia, according to a research.

Reference: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233540421_Effect_of_Drumstick_Leaves_supplementation_on_Hematological_Indices_of_young_girls_16-21_years

According to another research, the haemoglobin levels of the women in reproductive age group showed a significant improvment post intervention with drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf and jaggery.

Reference: http://earthjournals.org/ijpr_146.pdf

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for the eye:

Beta-carotene or Vitamin A content in the drumstick leaves is four times when compared to that present in carrots. Regular consumption helps overcome blindness and maintain overall well being of the eye.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Diabetes:

Drumstick leaves is helps in managing Blood Sugar levels. A random study on women to monitor blood sugar levels showcased that consuming drumstick leaf powder or moringa leaf powder every day in the morning reduced blood sugar levels considerably. Another such study with an increased dose of moringa leaf powder in diabetic patients prevented the increase in blood sugar levels after a meal. However, it should be tried after doctor consulation only.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Detoxification:

Murungai keerai or Moringa leaf is Detoxifying and anthelmintic in nature. Drumstick leaves are good detoxifiers because of coagulant and purgatory property which attaches itself to bacteria and flushes them out of our system. Drumstick Leaves are also popular for anthelmintic nature which helps kill intestinal worms.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Lactating Mothers:

Drumstick leaves are good for nursing mothers. Consumption of drumstick leaves helps in milk production and is also a natural iron supplement, for all nursing mothers. In Tamil Nadu, we take murungai keerai twice in a week.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Cholesterol:

A 2008 animal study was conducted using a compound isolated from Drumstick leaves. It was discovered that cholesterol levels and atherosclerotic plaque was reduced to about 50 and 86%, respectively, after just 12 days of treatment with drumstick leaves.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Cancer:

According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s website, “In vitro and animal studies indicate that the leaf, seed, and root extracts of Moringa Oleifera have anticancer, hepatoprotective, hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antisickling effects. They may also protect against Alzheimer’s disease, stomach ulcers, help lower cholesterol levels, and promote wound healing.”

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Infections:

Moringa leaf is effective in treating infections. Drumstick leaves consist of isothiocyanates, which attribute anti-inflammatory property to it. This helps in healing an internal injury or infection which gives rise to inflammation in a person. Sustained inflammation can be an indication of chronic illness.

Drumstick leaves for face, skin and hair:

Rich vitamin and mineral (Zinc, Magnesium, Copper, Selenium, etc) content in drumstick leaves or Moringa leaf help in healthy hair growth and regulation of hair loss due to vitamin A deficiency.

Dry scalp is also easy to manage when one uses oil extracted from Drumstick seeds and leaves. Oil extracted from drumstick leaves or murungai keerai known as ben oil is also a rich source of vitamin C and is helpful in conditioning baby skin.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Diarrhea, Colitis and Dysentry:

Murungai keerai is a good remedy for Diarrhea, colitis, and dysentery. Drumstick leaves when consumed with honey, followed by consumption of coconut milk, helps in relieving conditions such as diarrhea, colitis, and dysentery.

Drumsticks leaves or Murungai keerai or Moringa Leaf for Digestion:

Drumstick leaves are good for improved digestion and metabolism, and relieving constipation. Fiber content in the drumstick leaves are known to relieve constipation in a person. Its proteins break up into all essential amino acids, including threonine, which promotes good health in the intestinal and digestive tract, making it the best choice for promoting digestion and metabolism in a person.

Other uses and Benefits of Drumstick leaves:

  • Antiseptic, and anti-infective remedy. Drumstick leaves have antiseptic properties which make them a good choice for antiseptic creams. 
  • Murungai keerai is also useful in treating ear and eye infections. 
  • Its anti-infective property helps in providing relief from fevers, scurvy, and bronchitis. 
  • Rubbing leaves and buds over temples are also known to relieve a headache in a person.
  • Expectorant, stimulant, and, anti-spasmodic properties of Moringa leaf are useful in maintaining general well-being in a person. Drumstick leaves are useful in tackling respiratory diseases, by regular consumption of preparation from pepper, licorice and moringa leaf juice.

Names of Drumstick Leaves in different Indian Languages:

English - Drumstick Leaves, Moringa Leaf
Tamil - Murungai Keerai
Telugu - Mulaga akulu | Munakkai Akulu
Hindi: Saijan Patta
Kannada: Nugge yele
Malayalam: Muringa ela
Gujarati - Saragavo
Marati - Shevaga Pan
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